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Insights, notes, and memos from Rabbi Sholom S. Mimran's desk and the Rebbetzin's Monthly Musings

![[14] The Fast of Tammuz, Three Weeks and Nine Days](,h_341,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90,enc_auto/nsplsh_45614663707a7051755955~mv2_d_4000_2667_s_4_2.webp)
Rabbi Sholom S. Mimran
Jun 26, 20232 min read
[14] The Fast of Tammuz, Three Weeks and Nine Days
The three weeks leading up to Tisha B’Av are a period of national Jewish mourning, beginning on the 17th of Tammuz (which falls on Thu,...

Rebbetzin Zahava Mimran
Jun 19, 20233 min read
Tammuz: When the Stakes are High
The time read 09:00:46 on September 23rd, 1999, and after almost 10 months of blazing through space, the Mars Climate Orbiter finally...

![[13] Kiddush - Part 2 of 2: All you need to know!](,h_341,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90,enc_auto/11062b_b0992da96f474250b1daf452323fc4c7~mv2.webp)
Rabbi Sholom S. Mimran
Jun 13, 20236 min read
[13] Kiddush - Part 2 of 2: All you need to know!
In this second section of the Halachos of Kiddush we will address the following questions: How to hold the cup? What is the best way to...

![[12] Kiddush - Part 1 of 2: All you need to know!](,h_341,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90,enc_auto/11062b_b0992da96f474250b1daf452323fc4c7~mv2.webp)
Rabbi Sholom S. Mimran
Jun 8, 20235 min read
[12] Kiddush - Part 1 of 2: All you need to know!
One of the most beautiful scenes is the family gathering around the table on Friday night for Kiddush. Likewise, the Kiddush on Shabbos...

![[11] The Shabbos Meals: Clarifying the Obligation](,h_300,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90,enc_auto/35585f_c26633ed470f47009d316c767668ce5c~mv2.webp)
Rabbi Sholom S. Mimran
Jun 1, 20235 min read
[11] The Shabbos Meals: Clarifying the Obligation
In this article we will discuss the obligation to eat meals on Shabbos, the proper meal times, using two loaves of bread, which foods to...

Rabbi Sholom S. Mimran
May 30, 20232 min read
Semantic Satiation in Judaism
Scientists have yet to explain the phenomenon known as 'Semantic satiation'. Oxford dictionary defines this as 'a peculiar sense of loss...

![[10] Dairy on Shavuos: The Why and How?](,h_341,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90,enc_auto/11062b_ebed121dd8e74d389e53cdb31f8251b8~mv2.webp)
Rabbi Sholom S. Mimran
May 23, 20234 min read
[10] Dairy on Shavuos: The Why and How?
WHY: THE SOURCE OF THE CUSTOM There is a widespread minhag (custom) to eat dairy foods on Shavuos (Remah OC 494:3). In a previous...

Rebbetzin Zahava Mimran
May 21, 20233 min read
Sivan: Creating Unity from Duality
From the age of 4 weeks old, identical twins Jim Lewis and Jim Springer were raised apart. Yet fascinatingly, when they were finally...

![[9] Meat and Wine on Yom Tov: Including how to reconcile Shavuos!](,h_341,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90,enc_auto/35585f_678c3edf0a554662a0ddec82cecd7dfd~mv2.webp)
Rabbi Sholom S. Mimran
May 18, 20234 min read
[9] Meat and Wine on Yom Tov: Including how to reconcile Shavuos!
INTRODUCTION: THE OBLIGATION TO BE HAPPY ON YOM TOV All Jewish adults are biblically obligated to be happy throughout the three...

![[8] Timers on Shabbos: How, When, and for What Purpose?](,h_341,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90,enc_auto/35585f_ce92a89e79c54c239254ea05d1603b16~mv2.webp)
Rabbi Sholom S. Mimran
May 11, 20235 min read
[8] Timers on Shabbos: How, When, and for What Purpose?
INTRODUCTION The Mishna (Shabbos 17b) records a dispute between Beis Hillel and Beis Shammai regarding whether one can leave materials in...

![[7] Heating Food and Liquid on Shabbos (inc. 'Sabbath Mode' Oven Guidelines)](,h_341,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90,enc_auto/35585f_d4e6de82f87c4d6f9e2d45842aaa91f1~mv2.webp)
Rabbi Sholom S. Mimran
May 3, 20234 min read
[7] Heating Food and Liquid on Shabbos (inc. 'Sabbath Mode' Oven Guidelines)
NOTE: The laws of warming food on Shabbos are numerous and complex with a variety of opinions. This brief overview is merely a summary of...

Rabbi Sholom S. Mimran
Apr 30, 20232 min read
One for All and All for One
On Shavuot, we celebrate the giving of the Torah which changed the spiritual status of our nation. We know that prior, our forefathers...

![[6] Kaddish: The Laws and Customs](,h_341,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90,enc_auto/35585f_e38c333139a040aaa050f983f55b1a6d~mv2.webp)
Rabbi Sholom S. Mimran
Apr 27, 20235 min read
[6] Kaddish: The Laws and Customs
The General Guidelines: The Kaddish can only be recited in the presence of a minyan (quorum of ten Jewish males over age thirteen)...

Rebbetzin Zahava Mimran
Apr 23, 20234 min read
Iyar: Harness your Strength
There’s the joke of the agricultural inspector who goes out to a farm to do inspections. He calls out in the yard upon his arrival, but...

![[5] A Quick Guide to The Laws of Mezuza](,h_341,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90,enc_auto/35585f_3a665e9a19ba46d895e8be81fd75fcac~mv2.webp)
Rabbi Sholom S. Mimran
Apr 20, 20233 min read
[5] A Quick Guide to The Laws of Mezuza
Why should I put Mezuzos? Primarily because we are commanded to, as the Passuk in Devarim 6:9 states 'וּכְתַבְתָּם עַל־מְזֻזוֹת בֵּיתֶךָ...

![[4] Wearing a smartwatch on Shabbos/Yom Tov](,h_341,fp_0.50_0.50,q_90,enc_auto/35585f_735091e00e444da08963c4d691ee9a05~mv2.webp)
Rabbi Sholom S. Mimran
Apr 11, 20232 min read
[4] Wearing a smartwatch on Shabbos/Yom Tov
May one wear a smartwatch on Shabbos and Yom Tov? Obviously, when touching the screen or buttons, as with all electronics, this falls...

Rabbi Sholom S. Mimran
Mar 29, 20233 min read
Is the Seder time wrong?
I have done the math and I think we have all been celebrating the Seder nights at the wrong time! If we travel back 3335 years to the...

Rebbetzin Zahava Mimran
Mar 24, 20233 min read
Nissan: Hold your Head High
Long ago, a nation of princes was enslaved. Employed in backbreaking labor and subjugated with harsh abuse, beatings, and even deaths,...
![[3] The Early Shabbos Conundrum](,h_341,fp_0.50_0.50,q_95,enc_auto/35585f_a476b60aeb984506982ee31f1a4cec48~mv2.webp)
Rabbi Sholom S. Mimran
Mar 19, 20234 min read
[3] The Early Shabbos Conundrum
Does a household automatically accept Shabbos at the time when the husband accepts Shabbos early or recites Kabbolas Shabbos?...

Rabbi Sholom S. Mimran
Mar 1, 20232 min read
Thou Shalt Be Joyful!
In the leadup to Purim, the Mishna (Taanit 4:6) says “When Adar begins, we increase in joy.” The difficulty though is obvious. However,...
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