
The Eruv Is Currently UP
Eruv Map - West Ashley, Charleston SC
NOTE: Enclosed areas of wasteland and marsh are excluded from the Eruv and carrying into, out of, or within these areas is not permitted on Shabbos. For Halachic enquiries please consult Rabbi Mimran.
About the Eruv
The eruv serving the area of the Congregation Dor Tikvah has been officially certified. It was set up with expert assistance and is reviewed regularly by Rabbi Chaim Jachter. We are very grateful to everyone who helped set it up and maintain it, especially Rabbi Davies, Kenny Abitbol, Yaakov Berendt, Randy Cohen, Jason Daniels, Dovid Felzenberg, Slade Gleaton, Rabbi Hoberman, Jimi Horne, Marvin Katzin, Nathan Kirshstein, BJ Novit, David Rosenberg, Will Scheer, Greg Yarus, and Jonathan Zucker.
Anyone interested in helping to inspect the eruv, please contact Rabbi Mimran.

Rabbi Mimran inspecting the Eruv with our facilities manager, Greg Yarus.