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One for All and All for One

Writer's picture: Rabbi Sholom S. MimranRabbi Sholom S. Mimran

On Shavuot, we celebrate the giving of the Torah which changed the spiritual status of our nation. We know that prior, our forefathers adhered to the precepts contained in the Torah, but they were not obliged to follow them. Once the Torah was given, however, the nation became full-fledged Jews who followed all the commandments contained within.

You’ll often hear two key themes in Shavuot Drashot: First, about how the nation was unified and demonstrated brotherly love as Rashi teaches us from the Medrash that they encamped by Mount Sinai “כאיש אחד בלב אחד” - “as one nation with one heart”. And second, about how they committed themselves to the Torah unequivocally and unconditionally, when they stated, “נעשה ונשמע” - “we will do and we will hear”. These are in fact intrinsically interconnected as due to the sheer commitment, they had to suppress their individual proclivities to join forces for the loftiest of causes.

Indeed, the book of Ruth illustrates these two attributes as part of her conversion process, a process not dissimilar to our nation’s receiving the Torah. Despite growing up in an immoral society, she gave up this lifestyle entirely becoming the most modest of women whilst demonstrating time and time again a unity of purpose as she always looked out for others around her.

Shavuot is an opportunity for us to reaccept the Torah with the same zeal as we did 3335 years ago. We should emulate our ancestors and Ruth in our personal acceptance of the Torah. Our unity as a nation in the service of G-d with unwavering devotion to Him and His Torah, is crucial to our survival. May we all merit to celebrate the receipt of the Torah afresh as a united nation that knows only peace!

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